Aberdeenshire-wide programme launches  to help cancer patients Move More

A new programme to help people in Aberdeenshire affected by cancer get active has launched on Friday, June 29, in Aberdeen.

In partnership with Aberdeenshire Council, Move More Aberdeenshire has been specifically designed for people affected by cancer and includes walking groups, a gentle movement class, circuits-based activity classes and gardening. Similar Move More programmes have been successfully rolled out in several areas in Scotland including within Aberdeen city.

Traditionally, cancer patients have been told to rest and put their feet up, however Macmillan Cancer Support has completed various pieces of research which shows that being active during and after treatment can maintain physical function, improve feeling of mental wellbeing as well as minimising the side effects of treatment.

The activities, which are all free of charge, will not only help people cope with the side effects of treatment, but also provide people with an opportunity to meet others in a similar situation and reduce the loneliness and isolation that the disease can create for those affected.

Move More also works with Scotland’s national walking charity Paths for All to deliver the walking aspect of the programme.

Macmillan strategic partnership manager Joanne Adamson said: “Traditionally people have been told that rest was best, and while it is right to rest at certain times, it is also really beneficial to get moving too. Research shows that being active during and after treatment can not only help with the side effects but also reduce loneliness and isolation many people feel.

“Many people may feel nervous about building up their activity levels, particularly if it’s for the first time after treatment or if they haven’t been very active for a while, which is why Macmillan is working with Sport Aberdeen to provide this programme specifically for people affected by cancer.”

Cllr Anne Stirling, chair of Aberdeenshire Council’s Communities Committee, said: “Aberdeenshire Council is very pleased to enter this really exciting partnership with the nationally renowned charity Macmillan Cancer Support so we can develop and run a service that makes a real difference to those affected by cancer.

“By working in partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support we will ensure that Move More Aberdeenshire will make a really positive impact which will enable local people affected by cancer to gain the many benefits from becoming more physically active.”

The project will also support the aims of the Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership to help enhance independence and well-being in communities.

Dr Lynda Lynch, chair of the Aberdeenshire Integration Joint Board, said: “Staying active and moving more has been proven to be beneficial when fighting cancer, as well as the wider benefits regular exercise brings.

“We very much welcome this partnership approach to supporting those affected by cancer to become more active and wish the project all the best for the future.”

Anybody wishing to become involved in Move More Aberdeenshire can find further information via:

Email: movemore@Aberdeenshire.gov.uk

Phone: 01467 534360

or click here to visit the website.

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