Braemar Junior Highland Games is the wee brother of the world-famous Braemar Gathering and will take place in the Duke of Fife Memorial Park on Saturday, June 29.
The Junior Games provides a fun day out for families, giving young people the chance to try out traditional highland games events and the opportunity for young pipers, drummers, dancers and athletes to show off their skills.
There are a number of running and fun races for different age groups including toddlers. There is also a long jump competition. The Junior Games now has a hill race which forms part of Scottish Athletics Junior Hill Race calendar.
Primary and secondary pupils will be able to try some of the traditional ‘heavy events’ such as tossing the caber and putting the stone. Instruction is provided by experienced professionals.
Alex Taylor from Westhill, senior girl heavy champion in 2023, says: "I had never really done anything like this before but managed to toss the caber and putt the stone. I was amazed that I won the cup!"
The final event of the day is our popular tug-o-war which sees keen competition between groups, some of which we get together on the day and which may include two adults.
This year the first Braemar Scout Group are hosting a district camp for cubs and scouts from up and down Deeside. There will be a relay race competition and special tug-o-war competition for the cubs and scouts.
Colin Hunter, Games Secretary says: "This is a great community event – with over fifty volunteers helping run the event on the day. It is very much a fun event with young people getting a chance to try out some of the skills and also take part in the races and particularly the tug-o-war.
"It is different from the main games in that the adults are allowed into the arena and get up close to the action."
There is no pre-entry requirement or entry fees for any of the events – registration takes place on the day. Entry to the park is by donation and everyone receives a programme so they can follow what is happening when.
The Ghillies market will also take place on the driveway into the park with a number of catering outlets as well as stalls.
The games start at 10.50am with a Pipe band march and finish at around 4.30pm.