An Aberdeen partnership has launched a brand-new initiative encouraging people to get active this September in the hope of reducing social isolation whilst improving mental and physical wellbeing.
‘Step out September’ is a campaign to encourage people of all ages and abilities from across the city to take part in safe and local activity, meet new people, and improve their wellbeing.
Step out September is a partnership project between Bon Accord Care, ACVO, Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership and Sport Aberdeen and is part of ‘Stay Well Stay Connected’ which has an aim to promote better health and wellbeing, develop meaningful community relationships, promote better inclusion and help reduce social isolation.
A range of gentle social walks will take place from September 13 - 19 with a key aim of connecting people in some of Aberdeen’s open spaces.
The initiative is open to people of all abilities; if you use a wheelchair, use walking aids or if you are pushing a buggy, you’re encouraged to take part and enjoy the social aspect. No special equipment is required although participants are encouraged to bring a jacket and wear comfy shoes.
Andrinne Craig, Sport Aberdeen healthy communities manager, said: “We are really excited to launch Step out September and this is a fantastic example of partnership working, and the first opportunity these organisations have had to work together out in the community since the pandemic.
“Alongside a full timetable of social walks taking place, we have pulled together a free resource pack of alternative activities for anyone who cannot get outside to participate in the walks. We want to break down barriers and ensure everyone in Aberdeen, regardless of age or ability, can get active and connect with others in some way shape or form this September, and beyond.
“For many people the pandemic has been a period of isolation and activity levels have dropped. It is our hope that Step out September will act as a starting point for people to reengage with the community and get out and connect once again, in a safe and enjoyable way. Together we can, and we will, walk and talk our way back to wellbeing!”
Alison Wills operations director at Bon Accord Care Ltd, said: “Keeping active is vital in helping keep people fit, healthy and independent. We will be encouraging our residents and service users to take part in the walks and if they prefer to stay indoors, we will point them in the direction of the alternative activity pack. We think the sock boccia sound great!”
A full timetable of citywide walks and more information is available on the Sport Aberdeen website and additional walks are being added regularly: