Aberdeen’s glittering festive market, Curated in the Quad, has given Charlie House a Christmas gift of more than £24,500 in funding.

The event – which is entering its final weekend – is organised by Charlie House and Aberdeen Inspired to not only raise money for the North-east charity but also showcase the finest local producers and creatives.

Bosses with both Charlie House and Aberdeen Inspired – the city centre Business Improvement District – said they were delighted with the £24,000 total, which is £2,000 more than the event brought in last year.

The money was raised mostly through the donation of stallholder fees from more than 50 local traders who have been flocking to the market in the quadrangle of Marischal Quad for the past six weekends, as part of Aberdeen Christmas Village at Broad Street.

Emma Leiper Finlayson, Director of Fundraising for Charlie House, said: “The previous two years of Curated in the Quad at Marischal College have seen tremendous support for Charlie House and local businesses in Aberdeen, and this year has certainly been no different.

“We’re thrilled that Curated in the Quad has so far raised just over £24,500, a sum that will go an incredibly long way to supporting children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions and their families. We cannot thank our stallholders, our festive customers, and Aberdeen Inspired enough for their continued support.

“We hope as many holiday shoppers get to experience Curated in the Quad for its last weekend this year and find the perfect gift from our fantastic range of stallholders.”

Adrian Watson, Chief Executive of Aberdeen Inspired, said the £24,500 boost for Charlie House underlined the true spirit of the festive season.

“Christmas is a time for caring, generosity and thinking of others – and Curated in the Quad has more than done that this year. The funds raised for Charlie House over the festive season will help support its vital work for north-east families all year round.

“As well as helping Charlie House, Curated in the Quad has been a magical showcase for the very best creatives and producers in the north-east, all those hugely talented jewellers, artists, craftsmen and women and food and drink producers. We have been proud and delighted to give them that platform.”

Adrian also thanked the thousands of visitors to both Curated in the Quad and Aberdeen Christmas Village – staged by Aberdeen Inspired in partnership with Codona’s and Aberdeen City Council – who helped boost other city centre businesses and attractions over the festive season.

Councillor Martin Greig, Aberdeen City Council’s culture spokesperson, said: “Curated in the Quad is a key and very popular part of the Aberdeen Christmas Village, and I am delighted it has raised such a tremendous amount for Charlie House.

“The people of Aberdeen are renowned for their generosity and caring spirit, and I am sure everyone in the city – especially those who enjoyed the wonderful atmosphere of the festive market – will be equally pleased to see such a boost given to such a worthwhile North-east charity.”

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