Tullos Training, a leading provider of vocational training and education, are proud to announce a new sponsorship partnership with Newtonhill Community Club.

Their generous sponsorship has enabled the club’s 2012 year group to purchase brand new football strips and boot bags, all proudly branded with Tullos Training logo.

The support from Tullos Training has had a significant impact on the young players, fostering a sense of unity and pride within the team. Barry McIntosh, a representative of Newtonhill Community Club, expressed his gratitude for the sponsorship, highlighting the benefits it has brought to the young athletes.

“It has made a real positive impact to the kids feeling part of a club and looking the part when arriving at training and matches all over Aberdeenshire. It is great to see their confidence grow being part of a team,” McIntosh said.

Newtonhill Community Club

Newtonhill Community Club

The new football strips and boot bags have not only elevated the team’s appearance but also boosted the players’ morale. The kids are now stepping onto the field with a renewed sense of confidence, embodying the spirit of teamwork and dedication that Newtonhill Community Club stands for.

Tullos Training’s commitment to supporting local communities and fostering young talent is evident in the sponsorship. The organisation’s involvement goes beyond financial support; it represents an investment in the future of these young players, encouraging them to strive for excellence both on and off the field.

“We are thrilled to support Newtonhill Community Club’s 2012 year group. At Tullos Training, we believe in the power of sport to develop essential life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and resilience. Seeing the kids’ confidence and sense of belonging grow is incredibly rewarding for us,” said Iain Garrett, Chief Executive, Tullos Training.

Tullos Training and Newtonhill Community Club look forward to a successful partnership, with the shared goal of nurturing young talent and promoting the positive values associated with sports.

To find out more about Tullos Training, visit www.tullostraining.co.uk.

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