Children’s charity Denis Law Legacy Trust has welcomed two new Trustees, Gary Law and Keith Allan.

Both have previous experience in supporting and furthering the aims of Denis Law Legacy Trust having sat on the charity’s advisory board and fundraising committee, respectively.

On the announcement, Gary Law said “It's an honour to be asked to be a trustee and with the work that the Denis Law Legacy Trust does, it was an easy decision to make!”

“I was asked to sit on the advisory board, I'm committed to that and attended regularly, so I could see that possibly I was being moulded for the next steps in that commitment. And so I thought, I’m going to really embrace that.”

From his role as a Children’s Services Workforce Development Manager, Gary brings a wealth of knowledge in social work and working with young people.

He said “I've been working with children and young families for about 12 years as a social worker so, I can see that there are a lot of families that may struggle to access certain activities. I think that what the charity does is brilliant in getting out and supporting the children and families of Aberdeen by shaping and offering something that hopefully leads on to positive things like education, employment and being a role model.”

Gary not only wants to do the Law family proud, but he is also enthusiastic about supporting the development of young people who grow up in communities similar to the one Denis Law grew up in many years ago.

“Where dad grew up there was poverty and there wasn't a lot of money around. I think a lot of families are struggling right now with the cost-of-living crisis and the impact that has, it puts pressure on families.”

“The Trust gives children and young people a unique outlet to mix with their friends, take part in a sport, meet other young people and see those who volunteer and give up their time to make those positive relationships.”

“It is very different times but, I think the ethos of Streetsport and that kicking a ball around can shape your future is still very true. It shaped my dad’s future and hopefully can shape some of these young people's future.”

Also joining the trustee board is Keith Allan who brings extensive legal expertise from having been a Partner and latterly Managing Partner at a renowned law firm, Raeburn, Christie, Clark & Wallace.

On becoming one of the charity’s latest trustees he said “I'm very honoured and privileged to become a trustee.”

Keith got involved with the charity in 2021. He said, “I was at the Annual Fundraising Dinner as a guest of Raeburn, Christie, Clark and Wallace and during the post-dinner chat, I was asked if I would be interested in coming along and helping just generally to start with on the fundraising side.”

“I sat on the fundraising committee and then about a year later, I was invited to become a trustee and said yes right away! I mean, they said to me do you want some time to think about it? No, I want to do it!”

Reflecting on his 45-year career, Keith hopes to apply his skillset as a trustee. He said, “Obviously I have got a legal background, so hopefully that will be a help to the Trust, in any legal matters or documentation that needs to be either prepared or looked at and revised.”

“I always had the motivation to be involved in a charity. When the opportunity was presented to me with the Denis Law connection to it then, it was such an easy decision that this was the charity I wanted to help.”

A fan of ‘The Lawman’, Keith is even more passionate about the Denis Law Legacy Trust’s work in providing spaces to play and widening access to sport, through the Cruyff Courts and Streetsport.

“I grew up in a rural town near Aberdeen where there was lots of green space where me and my pals could play football all day.”

“It was only when you got a bit older that you realise that it wasn't all like that in Aberdeen and there were deprived parts of the city with poverty and people who didn't have what I'd been lucky enough to have.”

“I want to give something back and support the Denis Law Legacy Trust, because I think it's a fantastic thing that they do, to help people in a way that I didn't need in my childhood. You need some kind of focus on a sport or a skill and somebody to help you get that. It will make people stronger and better going forward.”

Alistair Findlater, Denis Law Legacy Trust Chair added “We are delighted to have Gary Law and Keith Allan join the Denis Law Legacy Trust board of trustees.”

“Gary and Keith have already done significant work in supporting our fundraising efforts and helping to steer the direction of the charity. As trustees, they bring a range of expertise and skills that will enhance our organisation going forward and I am looking forward to working closely with them.”

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